Using NUnit with Visual Studio Express Aug 20, 2010 Since Microsoft’s Visual Studio Express edition does not allow installation of any plugins anymore (f.ex. TestDriven.Net), here is a quick workaround to get NUnit-GUI working. Add this to your Post-Build section of your Project settings: ...
Praise for Jun 25, 2010 A couple of weeks back I discovered a great tutorial on Ruby on Rails by Michael Hartl at The tutorial takes you through the steps of building a Twitter-like application (not a client! ...
Using a different minor-mode-prefix with Rinari (Emacs Rails) Apr 27, 2010 Rinari is a Ruby on Rails Minor Mode for GNU/Emacs. Problem: Most key mappings / keyboard shortcuts rely on the hard coded strings ; and ' (I.e. C-; f c -> rinari-find-controller). ...
Using basic Emacs keybindings in Gnome-Terminal Jan 15, 2010 Summary: Use basic Emacs keyboard shortcuts (ie navigation) in Gnome-Terminal while using the Bash shell. This post is only interesting for people familiar with Emacs. This is so simple that I almost afraid to post it… ...
Executing a script after mounting a TrueCrypt partition on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Dec 08, 2009 **Goal: **Automatically run a script/program of your choice after mounting a TrueCrypt partition on Ubuntu 9.10. Background info on udev (very short) UDEV listens to certain events. Depending on the event, a certain “rule” can be executed. ...
Emacsclient usage on a GNU/Linux system Oct 23, 2009 Short instructions on how to setup Emacs using the Emacs Server/Emacs Client system on a GNU/Linux machine. This post is intended for people familiar with GNU/Emacs. Requirements: GNU/Emacs 23 or greater (for Ubuntu get the Emacs PPA: https://launchpad. ...
Eclipse3.5/Subclipse1.6.x asks for unnecessary SSH confirmation and details (solved) Jul 31, 2009 This is one of those “notes to self”… I recently upgraded Eclipse (3.4 -> 3.5) and Subversion (1.5 -> 1.6). I never check out my sandbox directly from within Eclipse: I do that from the command line. ...
VMware keyboard mapping issues (Alt Gr) solved Jul 28, 2009 If your VMWare keyboard mapping prevents you from using special keys such as Alt Gr, just add the following the your /etc/vmware/config: xkeymap.keycode.108 = 0x138 # Alt_R xkeymap.keycode.106 = 0x135 # KP_Divide xkeymap. ...
Maven Error: generics are not supported in source 1.3 Jun 22, 2009 Just stumbled across this error while trying to compile a simple Java Maven project: Maven Error: generics are not supported in source 1.3 It turns out that maven uses the Java compiler 1. ...
Installing Adobe AIR and TweetDeck on Ubuntu 9.04 Jun 17, 2009 This is a short manual on how to install Adobe AIR and Adobe AIR applications such as TweetDeck on Ubuntu 9.04 (This instruction should also work with most up-to-date Linux distributions). ...
My HelloWorld script for Maven Jun 15, 2009 I’m still in the learning phase of using Maven, so bare with me. Here is my script to create an executable HelloWorld-jar file using Maven (it requires the file sample-pom.xml listed after the script): ...
Maven-eclipse-plugin 2.6 might break wicket projects Jun 13, 2009 Took me a while to find this, so I thought I’ll post it: Maven’s eclipse plugin version 2.6 does not work well with Wicket projects. The problem with version 2.6 is that the Maven’s folder structure does not conform to Wicket’s folder structure. ...
New in Ubuntu 9.04: screen-profiles, the enhanced GNU screen Jun 05, 2009 My recent discovery: Ubuntu 9.04 comes with screen-profiles, a command-line “GUI” enhancement based on curses. If you have been using GNU-Screen for a while, but have always been too lazy to configure the display (or any other part of the program), you might enjoy this tool. ...
Porting phone book from Nokia 6230i to Samsung S7220 May 30, 2009 There must be a smarter way to do this… But I’ll describe my combersome way anyway. It depends on having windows somewhere. Old phone: Nokia 6230i New phone: Samsung S7220 ...
NAS-Box SS4000-E ignores partition table of plugged-in external harddrive May 26, 2009 Intel’s NAS Box SS 4000-e ignores the partition table of external usb-drives if the latter is connected directly to the NAS-Box. Not nice, because my external USB-Drive is split into two FAT32 partitions. ...