Learning by meeting people Mar 30, 2017 In my day job I’m a full-stack .NET developer. In the past I mainly learned new concepts in programming by reading books, blog posts, watching video tutorials (i.e. Pluralsight), listening to podcasts and visiting conferences. ...
Pi Hole - simple ad blocker for your network Jan 11, 2017 Advertisements in web pages can be a nuisance. But they are a necessary evil because companies/bloggers producing high quality content have to earn a living. Troy Hunt recently wrote a nice post on the subject. ...
Bash tricks Jan 10, 2017 Over the holidays I stumbled across 2 neat bash tricks to simplify navigation between folders: autocd autojump Neither of these features is new. autocd autocd is very simple: It’s a built-in bash feature which prepends cd in case you enter a valid path. ...
Testing that different objects have the same properties May 09, 2016 Sometimes you want to ensure that 2 unrelated objects share a set of properties – without using an interface. Here is an example: namespace Demo { public class Customer { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } } public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } } } First thought for C# developers: AutoMapper ...
Remotly measuring temperatures with a Raspberry Pi using radio frequency modules from Ciseco (Part 3: UI) Jul 30, 2015 Part 1 describes how to setup the hardware, part 2 describes how to to record/persist the sensor information. In this post I’ll describe how to display the data. TL;DR Download and unzip the source code from https://github. ...