IntelliJ and Gnome keyboard shortcut conflict: Ctrl Alt s

I am currenty experimenting with Jetbrains Rider under Linux. Sticking to the default window manager GNOME for my linux distro (Arch Linux), I ran into some problems with conflicting keyboard shortcuts. Even though Jetbrains' IDEs come with a keyboard setting named Default for GNOME

Starting with the most obvious: I was not able to open Rider’s settings using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl Alt s.

Ctrl Alt s

This command opens the settings in most IntelliJ products (File -> Settings).

Pressing Crtl Alt s “rolled up the window”: The current window was minimized to the title bar (an effect I have never seen before and don’t need). Double clicking the window title bar expanded the window again. So obviously the keyboard shortcut was already in use. The question being: by which application?

Gnome settings did not reveal any conflicting bindings in the keyboard section!

After some searching the gnome extension screenshot-window-sizer turned out being the culprit. I don’t know if I installed this extension on purpose or if it was installed as a dependency by some other package or if belongs to gnome’s default. The following solution keeps the extension installed: Only the keyboard shortcut is disabled.

Full name of the extension:

Here is a short summary how to figure out if your environment is affected by this extension:

# Find out if screenshot extension is installed
gsettings list-schemas | grep screenshot-window-sizer

# List keys
gsettings list-keys 

## Show key value
gsettings get cycle-screenshot-sizes

## Show key value
gsettings get cycle-screenshot-sizes-backward

The following snippet disables the hijacked Ctrl Alt s binding from screenshot-window-sizer (found here)

# disable:
gsettings set cycle-screenshot-sizes []
gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings toggle-shaded

# To re-enable: 
gsettings reset cycle-screenshot-sizes
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings toggle-shaded []

Now the keybinding Ctrl Alt s works as expected in IntelliJ products – even with Gnome.

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